Monday, January 18, 2010

Just getting started.

The wife was kind enough to get me an XBOX 360 for Christmas... yes I'm lucky enough to have a wife that not only accepts my gaming, but tends to encourage it from time to time. I will say that I am not lucky enough to have a wife that actively games with me, but hey can't complain. I mean... she bought me an XBOX!

This actually goes well with my Wii, PS3 (original 60GB model) and gaming PC. Pretty obvious that I like to game. Which going forward will be what I focus the blog on.  My experiences as a gamer who has money to buy what I what, yet still don't want to waste it. Mostly though, for me when it comes to gaming I don't want to waste my time.  Most of the day I'm stuck at work, doing things that are far less than interesting (ug... can I please upload PDF's to our sharepoint site), have to spend time with my wife, and my soon to be here kid will demand more of my time too. I can't waste my time on a poor gaming experience.

I need to enjoy. I need to escape.

Coming up... I 'll write my kind of review on each of my systems. Then follow up with the games that I have played (or I am playing).

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